Assignment 1 - Traditional Czech Kroj

Jen Krava

The Czech kroj is the traditional costume worn in Bohemian nations.  There were/are many variations on the kroje based on region, county, village, economy, and societal factors.  I focused on the traditional women's dress and it's variations.

Every kroj is comprised of the same parts, but it is these parts that can vary and have different meanings based on the factors above.  However, all of these parts have the same basic foundation.  For example, embroidery is always lavish and traditionally done by hand, sleeves are large and tied above the elbow, but can vary in length.

Skirt - variations in length and color due to region of origin and marital status.  Sometimes petticoats are worn underneath (up 24 in some villages!) and are generally very stiff from starching.

Apron - variations on size of embroidered flower motifs designates region of origin.  Aprons will always be the same length as the skirst undernearth.

Blouse - will always have large sleeves, tied above the elbow.  These can vary in length and intricacy of embroidery due to region/village of origin.

Headpiece - these range from wreaths of flowers to huge hats.  Married women generally cover all of their hair and single women are denoted by the wreath of flowers.  Tall hats are worn by brides on their wedding day.

Collar/Shawl - these range in height, width, and coverage of shoulders.  Czech collars tend to be bigger and more extravagant than Slovak collars.  Shawls that cover the shoulders and the chest are Czech, and Slovak shawls are shorter with less shoulder coverage.  Special shawls are worn by brides on their wedding day.

The traditional kroj has become Americanized and this version is seen at many heritage festivals throughout the country.  While this version is still composed of the pieces described above, there is far less differentiation between them.  The Americanized version has adopted a red skirt (in varying lengths), white blouse and shawl (with far less extravagance and volume in the shoulders), black vest, white apron, and head covering (usually a small white cap for married women and a wreath of flowers for single women).  These elements are generally worn with red socks or tights.